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新视野大学英语综合训练4答案 U校园答案

test 1—————Vocabulary1) sensible2) competitors3) applicants4) accurately5) realistic6) distinctive7) competition8) sensitive9) obsessive10) application11) stimulant12) distinction13) accuracy14) obsession15) definite16) reality17) stimulation18) Unemployment19) employers20) definition—————Multiple choice questions 11) C2) D3) D4) A5) A—————Multiple choice questions 21) C2) D3) B4) B5) B—————Sentence blank filling1. its faster-growing economy and lower jobless rate2. question authority and speak their minds3. politeness4. rude or inconsiderate5. the tensions / differences in communication—————Sentence translation1. 他们达成了一项协议:下周见面吃午饭时只聊他们已取得的成就!2. 在生理学课上老师在人的心脏与水泵之间作了类比。3. 我们的研究会受到我们已收集数据的类型所固有的局限性的影响。4. 购物过程中,情感是做出决定的必要因素;以情感为前提条件,我们认为面临问题时供选择的方案也很重要。5. 在美国,大学体育代表队的运动员非常重视与训练同伴和同学进行社会交往。6. 即使你要独立一人行走,也要坚信自己的事业,追求你的真理并坚持自己的旅程。7. 小女孩远远超出了她母亲推荐她时说的对弟妹们很好的程度。8. 他们根本不知道如何从财务角度来评价当前的管理工作。9. 那些缺乏想象力的人,想象不出这个世界会变得更好或变得不同于现在,那么他们怎会关心并改变这个世界呢?10. 在国家历史进程中,我们经历了很多考验和苦难,从 200多年前的一个小渔村成长为今天的新加坡。—————Phrase translation1. appeals to the sympathy of the audience2. By virtue of her competitiveness3. see what you can come up with4. in terms of culture, geography, or climate5. wore out the mercies of the entertainment business6. pick on the aged and the poor7. The question will always boil down to8. Hardly had he walked out of the door9. did he realize that he had made a wrong decision10. What makes her thrilled is not how much money he has—————Paragraph translation1) "As is said by Confucius, just as bitter medicine cures sickness, unpalatable advice benefits one's conduct. King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty was successful, because he was good at listening to different opinions. But King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty failed, because he was fond of flattering words. For a father without a son to remonstrate with him, an elder brother without a younger brother to remonstrate with him, a husband without his wife to remonstrate with him, a gentleman without a friend to offer him advice, he is sure to fail soon.",—————Cloze1) A2) B3) D4) C5) C6) C7) D8) C9) A10) C11) D12) D13) C14) C15) A16) C17) B18) B19) D20) B—————Writing1) "Nowadays many college graduates set up their own companies taking advantage of preferential policies and facilitation measures the government has offered specially for them. If graduates can put forward a creative and original plan, they will get the financial aid and administrative help from the government.nnWhy does the government pay increasing attention to the self-employment of college graduates? First, the government takes these measures to relieve graduates of their pressure of employment. College students are facing severe employment situations owing to the expansion in universities and colleges and the competitive job market. Second, the government takes these measures to stimulate graduates' creativity. Some graduate employees are not satisfied with their present jobs and their enthusiasm for work has been frustrated, so they can't exhaust their potentials. Third, some brilliant and ambitious graduates are confronted with a shortage of start-up capital, so they find it hard to apply what they learn to practice, no matter how good their idea sounds.nnAs far as I'm concerned, the program will not only offer opportunities to graduates but also bring back their confidence in themselves and in the future. What's more, the development of each graduate will surely promote the development of the whole society in the long run.",test 2—————Vocabulary1) Confidential2) mediator3) denotation4) confidently5) denotative6) mediation7) rebellious8) illiterate9) rebellion10) literacy11) industrialize","industrialise12) profitable13) consultant14) non-profit15) industrious16) consultation17) depression18) adherent19) adherence20) depressive—————Multiple choice questions 11) B2) B3) C4) B5) A—————Multiple choice questions 21) C2) C3) B4) C5) D—————Sentence blank filling1. car emissions2. http://CarSharing.net3. biking / bicycling4. safety and security5. streamline our transportation choices—————Sentence translation1. 实质上,该城市对公园的长远规划取决于高尔夫球场、青蛙和蛇等能共存这一理念。2. 所有食物中存在的水分会吸收烟味,并使之最终扩散到食物内部。3. 许多应聘者考虑到弹性工作时间而选择来这家公司上班。4. 研究人员已经想出了办法,让那些被证明未来可能会撞击地球的小行星转向。5. 这种完美主义也许不会产生快乐。但是,对于学习来说,它是至关重要的组成部分,因为大脑细胞通过分析做错了什么,就可以弄清楚如何将事情做好。6. 这些政策将在中国的西方企业置于困境,这些企业缺少资源和总部的支持,决策能力受到限制。7. 半决赛将是失利队为先前的失败向获胜队雪耻的一个机会。8. 那年九月,当局放任一伙愤怒的暴徒袭击以色列驻开罗的大使馆,迫使大使撤离该国。9. 出口量占该城邦国内总产量的三分之二,但在一月份下降了。10. 参观时要认真听,仔细看,并记下有趣的东西,不要大声喧哗,也不要拍照。—————Phrase translation1. had the courage to get / come to the point2. truly representative of national opinions3. attached to this book4. once we close / seal a deal5. divert your attention to6. be destined to achieve nothing7. rather than stay at home keeping house8. I am running for the Presidency9. had they been done by hand / if they had been done by hand10. cater to their emotions and concerns more than ever before—————Cloze1) A2) C3) B4) B5) D6) C7) D8) A9) C10) B11) D12) C13) B14) A15) B16) C17) D18) A19) A20) D—————Writing1) Currently, more and more university graduates have changed jobs quite a few times since leaving university in order to find what they really want. As to this, people may have different opinions. For many people, it is important to stay in one job or career for a stable life. They also claim that company loyalty pays off in business. Employees who stick with a single company instead of jumping around tend to be better financially compensated, even more productive and creative. Others may think differently, though. They believe that trying different jobs can be a good thing because it can enrich a person's social experience. Switching to a new job may lead to more chances of salary raise and promotion. From my perspective, graduates should make transitions from blind job-hopping to rational thinking about their career development. I prefer to have a sense of security and stability rather than run around to fill in the new job applications and try new interviews.unit 1—————Word building 11) explain2) explanation3) explanatory4) self-explanatory—————Word building 21) accuracy2) accurately3) inaccuracies4) inaccurate—————Word building 31) disclosed2) disclosure3) discloser—————Word building 41) propose2) proposition3) proposal4) proposed—————Word building 51) convert2) conversion3) convertible4) convertibility—————Word building 61) analyze","analyse2) analysis3) analytical4) analysts—————Word building 71) logical2) logically3) illogical—————Word building 81) competitive2) competitor3) competing4) competition—————Word building 91) overstate2) understate3) overstatement4) understated—————Word building 101) account2) accountable3) Accountability4) unaccountable—————Phrasal verbs 11) look up to2) look back on3) look through4) look forward to5) look over6) Look into—————Phrasal verbs 21) make believe2) make for3) make a fuss of","make a fuss over4) make a difference5) make it6) make into—————Collocation 11) acquired","gained","got","obtained2) vocational3) acquire","gain","get","obtain4) academic","educational5) have","possess—————Collocation 21) down-to-earth2) constructive","systematic","down-to-earth3) flexible4) empirical5) down-to-earth—————Commonly confused words 11) imaginative2) imaginary3) imaginative4) imaginary5) imaginative—————Commonly confused words 21) abuse2) misused3) abuse4) misuse5) abuse—————Commonly confused words 31) retorted2) distort3) retort4) distorted5) retort—————Cloze1) A2) C3) B4) B5) A6) C7) D8) A9) C10) B11) D12) C13) B14) A15) B16) C17) D18) A19) C20) A—————Sentence translation1. 给自己定个规矩,在相处至少六个月之后再使用爱之类的字眼。2. 外国人通过此类失衡出售商品给美国以换取美国的资产,这是美国金融危机的一个潜在因素。3. 当地政府正帮助企业开发产品,提供服务,来吸引中国游客。4. 打个比方,这与你从电力供应商那里得到的东西非常相似:当你接上某种设备的插头时,你刚好得到所需的电力,不多也不少,使用多少付多少费用。5. 环境恶化和气候模式变化会导致一些已知疾病在人们意想不到的地点和时间暴发,病例之多会前所未有。6. 所有这些特质都来源于他那惊人的慷慨精神,我认为这种精神归因于他对真理的热爱胜过一切。7. 他说,这些恐怖袭击不管破坏性多大,都没有成功,因为它们并没有击垮众多受害者的精神。8. 不要一根筋地去努力让事物朝着你所想要的方向或你认为其应该的走向发展。9. 相应地,他们有义务提供真实可信的财务信息,而且如果做不到必须接受惩罚。10. 如果我们在每天的生活中采取一些小措施来留意对塑料的使用,我们就都可以发挥作用,减少对塑料的依赖。—————Phrase translation1. being / getting stuck at home with two young kids2. we'll give you paper in exchange for your timber3. but in reality it did4. Every time I asked her to set the date for the wedding5. what appeals to me about his painting6. are subject to snow storms7. are calling for the release of political prisoners8. make sporting heroes out of previously little-known athletes9. by virtue of tree planting and forestation10. is generally attributed to improvements in diet—————Paragraph translation1) "The temple fair is a widespread traditional Chinese folk custom. Early temple fairs were occasions only for people to worship gods and pray for the blessings. With the development of economy and the growth of the need for communication, some regular temple fairs have evolved into pure trading markets. People go to the fairs mainly to purchase specialties and daily necessities, and watch local operas and variety shows, taste snacks, and do recreational activities as well. It is a routine for Chinese people to visit temple fairs during the Spring Festival. Temple fairs are a little different in activities from place to place, each having its own characteristics. Temple fairs are also held in Chinatowns and overseas Chinese communities around the world during the Spring Festival.",—————Multiple choice Passage 11) A2) D3) C4) D5) B—————Multiple choice Passage 21) C2) B3) D4) D5) A—————Sentence blank filling 11. not playing chess2. whether they are being done badly or whether they are not even being done at all3. presenting "factual" subject content4. don't understand what they are trying to accomplish5. show them what reasoning is—————Sentence blank filling 21. go to pieces2. a double-edged sword3. the unconscious doesn't come with a filter4. self-doubt and flaws5. people cannot avoid doing something stupid / making bad mistakes in their lives—————Skimming and scanning Passage 11) K2) F3) H4) E5) D6) I7) L8) J9) C10) G—————Skimming and scanning Passage 21) F2) I3) B4) K5) E6) C7) A8) J9) G10) D—————General writing1) Critical thinking can be defined as the thoughtful judgment about our own beliefs and thoughts. It is a means of increasing our own awareness and helps to determine the action to be taken in response to our own observations and experiences. According to some psychologists, critical thinking benefits people in various aspects. Thinking critically, we can make a rational decision instead of an emotional one, we can find a solution that is more likely to work, and we are more likely to be able to tell if something is the right thing to do. All these are due to the fact that people involved in critical thinking are usually calm and know exactly when they are right or wrong. How can we develop critical thinking skills? First and foremost, we should always try to think independently and develop confidence in reasoning. Begin this step by becoming concerned with not only what our opinions are but why we have such opinions. Secondly, we should try to analyze information and connect it with material we have previously read, and thus we are able to evaluate the credibility of information sources. Finally, make it a habit to ask for evidence. That might mean simply asking "Where did you read that?" or "Did you actually do a test?"—————Practical writing1) "Qufu Normal University, established in 1955, is one of the key universities in Shandong Province. It is located in Qufu, the hometown of Confucius – the great philosopher, educator and the creator of Confucianism. Since its founding, it has trained about 130,000 qualified graduates and has made significant contributions to Chinese economic construction and social progress. Among its more than 1,200 teachers, about 600 are professors or associate professors.nnThe university has 29 schools and departments, 28 research institutes, 18 provincial key programs, 7 provincial key laboratories and so on. It has 83 four-year specialties which cover ten disciplines including liberal arts, science, engineering, law, etc. Moreover, the university has established friendly relationships with over 50 universities and colleges from more than 10 countries. All of these make the university a major base for the education of Chinese traditional culture and Chinese culture "going out" program. Since its foundation, the university has been taking Confucius' words as its school motto "To retain curiosity in learning, to teach and never become weary".nnAs is said, it is a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar. Qufu Normal University welcomes domestic and international friends with its hospitality and sincerity to experience the richness of Confucianism at the campus.",unit 2—————Word building 11) sensible2) sensitive3) sensitivity4) senseless—————Word building 21) exclusion2) exclusive3) excluding—————Word building 31) appliances2) applicable3) application4) applicant—————Word building 41) arrogance2) arrogantly3) arrogant—————Word building 51) mortality2) mortally3) immortal—————Word building 61) obsessed2) obsession3) obsessive—————Word building 71) purity2) purify3) impure—————Word building 81) stylistic2) stylish3) stylist—————Word building 91) complementary2) complement3) complement—————Word building 101) conform2) conformity3) conformable—————Phrasal verbs 11) made his way2) make use of3) make up4) make5) out6) make sense7) made out8) make the best of","make the most of9) make up10) make out11) make up—————Phrasal verbs 21) pull down2) pulled away3) pull off4) pulled5) through6) pull himself together7) pull over8) pull back9) pulled10) through—————Collocation 11) self-esteem2) actively","strongly","vigorously3) development","efficiency","growth4) actively","strongly","vigorously5) competition6) actively","deliberately","strongly","vigorously7) awareness8) interest—————Collocation 21) drastic","harsh","severe","strong2) urgent3) adopt","approve","implement","take4) adopt","implement","introduce","take—————Commonly confused words 11) accused2) charged3) accused4) charged5) charges—————Commonly confused words 21) satisfied2) satisfactory3) satisfactory4) satisfied5) satisfactory—————Commonly confused words 31) annoyed2) worried3) worry4) annoys5) worry—————Cloze1) B2) C3) D4) A5) D6) A7) C8) A9) C10) D11) B12) C13) A14) D15) B16) D17) C18) A19) C20) D—————Sentence translation1. 教师应鼓励学生在学术讨论中提出不同意见,并得出自己的结论。2. 我们显然很失望,但委员会只能照章办事,别无他法。3. 那些孩子成绩方面的差异不能完全从社会背景角度来解释。4. 在那些艰难的日子里,我一定是父母最大的慰藉,因为我从来没有辜负他们的期望。5. 提前计划并找到合适的资源,从而获得成果。6. 女孩子摘花放到枕头下面,希望能梦到未来的丈夫。7. 我们都努力收集衣物去帮助两天前遭受大地震的灾民。8. 哈里总是对任何事都准备发表自己的看法,特别是对他几乎一无所知的话题!9. 每到一座外国城市,不管工作压力有多大,萨姆总要抽出时间逛逛书店,看看美术馆,听听音乐会。10. 据警方说,手机盗窃只是目前处于增长趋势的科技犯罪中的一种。—————Phrase translation1. we should adhere to / stick to one principle2. distract the children from their homework3. approve of your / you trying to earn some money4. enquire about the recent market conditions5. wore out the patience of his superiors6. seek out the advanced experience of the excellent students7. From the perspective of industrial development8. is accountable to the Board9. his son was exempt from the military services10. convince the public that its operations are safe—————Paragraph translation1) "Lugou Bridge, a 266.5-meter-long stone bridge in Beijing's outskirts, has a history of more than 800 years. It is one of the city's famous historic sites. What interest people most about the bridge are the stone lions carved on the columns of the bridge railings. Each column is topped with a big lion surrounded by many smaller ones. The smallest is only a few centimeters high. These lions are depicted in different postures. Some sit on the heads or backs of the bigger ones; some nestle in their embrace. Others reveal only half a head, or only a mouth.",—————Multiple choice Passage 11) D2) A3) D4) C5) B—————Multiple choice Passage 21) C2) A3) B4) B5) D—————Sentence blank filling 11. with a directional compass2. self discovery3. talent / intelligence4. some unnecessary pleasures5. attempting without fear of failure—————Sentence blank filling 21. the opportunity of running a business that would provide for her children and let her spend more time with them2. do their best to look after the clients3. honesty4. her darkest moment5. getting to the next level—————Skimming and scanning Passage 11) H2) F3) K4) C5) A6) D7) B8) E9) G10) J—————Skimming and scanning Passage 21) B2) C3) I4) K5) G6) D7) N8) A9) O10) M—————General writing1) It is hard to give an accurate definition of beauty for it can be different things to different people. However, if we were to categorize human beauty, we would eventually come to the conclusion that there are basically two kinds of beauty: outer beauty and inner beauty. The former normally refers to a person's physical appearance. The latter, on the other hand, refers mostly to his personality, intelligence, integrity and elegance. When it comes to the importance of the two, people have different opinions. Some think outer beauty is more important than inner beauty since we often judge a man by his appearance. For instance, a good-looking applicant is usually more likely to be successful than a plain-looking person in a job interview. However, other people don't think so. They believe inner beauty is much more important than outer beauty in that the latter is temporary and will easily fade away with the days passing by. As far as I am concerned, I agree that inner beauty is more significant than outer beauty. In my opinion, while outer beauty can be used to gain instant and temporary gratification in the physical realm, inner beauty is spiritual magic which enables the person who possesses it to enjoy permanent contentment in all realms: physical, mental, and spiritual.—————Practical writing1) "My hometown, Qingdao, located in the east of Shandong Province, is a coastal city bordering on the Yellow Sea and facing Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea and Japan across the sea. The total area of Qingdao is 11,282 square kilometers with a population of about 9 million.nnQingdao enjoys a marine climate characterized by moist air, abundant rainfall and four distinctive seasons. It is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter with an annual average temperature of 12 degrees Celsius.nnThe city is known as a summer resort with its fabulous scenery and pleasant weather. It is praised as the pearl on the crown of the Yellow Sea. There are many famous tourist attractions in Qingdao, such as the mysterious Mount Laoshan, the clean bathing beaches, the exotic buildings along the seashore, etc. Many events, including the Qingdao Foreign Economy and Trade Fair and the Qingdao International Beer Festival, are held annually, entertaining thousands of domestic and overseas visitors. Without doubt, Qingdao is an ideal place for living and holiday. Welcome to Qingdao.",unit 3—————Word building 11) centralized","centralised2) decentralized","decentralised3) centralization","centralisation—————Word building 21) deducible2) deductive3) deduction—————Word building 31) diagnosis2) diagnostic3) diagnose—————Word building 41) reality2) realization","realisation3) realistic4) realist—————Word building 51) employment2) employees3) unemployed4) unemployment5) employer","employers—————Word building 61) precedent2) preceding3) precedence—————Word building 71) quantified2) quantitative3) quantitatively—————Word building 81) stimulus2) stimulate3) stimulants—————Word building 91) utilizable","utilisable2) utilization","utilisation3) utility—————Word building 101) validity2) validated3) invalid—————Phrasal verbs 11) put up with2) put aside3) put forward4) put into practice5) put off—————Phrasal verbs 21) ran across2) ran down","ran into3) run off4) ran off5) ran into6) run down7) ran into—————Collocation 11) common2) growing","public","common3) top","main","primary4) no5) top","main","primary6) public—————Collocation 21) develop","devise","formulate","plan2) adopt","develop","devise","formulate","implement","plan3) follow4) adopt","develop","devise","follow","formulate","implement","plan5) develop","devise","formulate","plan6) implement—————Commonly confused words 11) insult2) indignity3) insult4) indignity5) indignity—————Commonly confused words 21) aggressive2) assertive3) aggressive4) assertive—————Commonly confused words 31) scanned2) skim3) scan4) skimmed—————Cloze1) B2) C3) A4) D5) C6) C7) D8) A9) A10) B11) A12) D13) B14) B15) C16) A17) C18) D19) B20) D—————Sentence translation1. 我们现在正在争取胜利,我们将同你们一起来分享这个胜利。所以我们要求你们,如果你们不能帮助我们,那么至少要做到不妨碍我们才好。2. 按照你方要求,我们破例接受30天远期信用证办理交货,但下不为例。3. 在这期间,将安装临时行李设备以维持机场的运转。4. 国会试图解决此问题,去年秋天曾立新法,规定诊所填写所有老年人医疗保险申请表。5. 如果你能给公司创造其他人所不能创造的某种价值,那么你将更有资格获得加薪。6. 一个朋友嵌在一个人的心中,就如同星星镶嵌在夜空中一样,当某颗星陨落了,没有其他星可以填补它的位置。7. 数学课上,占主导地位的教学方法通常是传统式的,教师一板一眼地讲,学生则边听边做笔记。8. 成人教育的迅速发展反过来又促进了整个国家文化水平的提高。9. 我们的发现还没有公开发表,因此这里不方便透露什么,不过我们确实已经发现了某些端倪。10. 他布满血丝的双眼表明他需要睡眠,过去几天来他一直都没睡好。—————Phrase translation1. let me have a stab at it2. touch down on water3. I can hardly conceive of your doing such a thing4. always come to pick on me5. will probably boil down to parental responsibility6. There are too many treasures in life we take for granted7. in the interim meetings will be held at my house8. they may be onto something9. extended an offer to a local radio star to deliver a public lecture10. remain committed to advocating positive social changes—————Paragraph translation1) "The writing brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone, referred to as the "Four Treasures of the Study", are writing instruments peculiar to China. The writing brush and ink stick have been used by the Chinese to write and paint since 5,000 years ago. In the Qin Dynasty, people already used feathers of different hardness and bamboo trunks to make brushes. During the Han Dynasty, man-made ink was used instead of natural ink. After paper was invented by the Chinese, bamboo slips, wooden tablets, brocade and silk, which originally functioned as writing materials, gradually faded out. The ink stone was first developed with the use of writing brushes and ink. After the Song Dynasty, the "Four Treasures of the Study" particularly referred to hubi, the writing brush produced in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province; huimo, the ink stick produced in Huizhou, Anhui Province; xuan paper, a kind of paper produced in Xuanzhou, Anhui Province; and duanyan, the ink stone made in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing was earlier called Duanzhou). They are, more than of utility, artistic in that they integrate painting, calligraphy, carving and decoration.",—————Multiple choice Passage 11) D2) C3) B4) C5) A—————Multiple choice Passage 21) C2) D3) A4) D5) D—————Sentence blank filling 11. the recession's long-term effect on his career / what's going on in the economy2. the career setbacks of the recession3. do media internships on the side4. operations or management5. innovative and entrepreneurial streak / spirits / qualities—————Sentence blank filling 21. introduction and growth2. athletic skills or marketability3. work for almost nothing4. wisdom, experience and affordability5. the phase one is in—————Skimming and scanning Passage 11) F2) D3) G4) K5) B6) A7) I8) E9) H10) L—————Skimming and scanning Passage 21) G2) I3) L4) H5) F6) D7) E8) M9) G10) A—————General writing1) "In recent years, a lot of college students find it difficult to find jobs, especially ideal or decent ones which would ensure that they work with passion and make a good living at it.nnThis phenomenon, in reality, boils down to three main reasons concerning college students themselves. First, some college students pursue too high goals and often attach too much importance to such factors as working conditions, salary, etc. They are in hopes of finding their ideal job immediately after graduation. Second, the qualifications of some students do not match the demands of the job market. For example, highly paid positions usually require relevant experience of which they possess little. Moreover, some students have no idea of what job they are interested in or will be good at.nnHow to hunt for a satisfied job? As far as I'm concerned, first, they should not get discouraged if they cannot find an ideal job straight away. Be optimistic and try best to impress their potential employer with good personal and professional qualities. Second, don't be stuck on the material aspect of a job. They may start a job which pays little, and gather experience so as to pave the road to a successful career. Last but not least, for some who have no idea of their future ideal job, keep an open mind and make stabs at different jobs. They have to keep diversifying their job interests and developing their practical abilities to qualify themselves for their ideal jobs.",—————Practical writing1) "Liberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, has been located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor since 1886. The statue was designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated as a gift to the United States from France in memory of US independence and the friendship between the two countries. It symbolizes a welcome to a land of freedom.nnThe giant copper statue stands 305 feet 6 inches tall from the pedestal to the tip of the torch and the total weight is 225 tons. It is a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a stone tablet with the date of the Declaration of Independence. On her head she wears a crown of seven points. Each is meant to represent the light of freedom as it shines on the four seas and seven continents of the world. A chain that represents oppression lies broken at her feet. Tourists can climb steps up to the crown and enjoy the spectacular bird’s-eye view of Manhattan and New York.nnAs a masterpiece of the human creative spirit, the Statue of Liberty was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1966 and was added to the World Heritage List in 1984. Over the years, it has become an iconic symbol of freedom and of the United States: a welcome signal to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans.",unit 4—————Word building 11) constitute2) constituents3) constitution4) constitutional—————Word building 21) define2) Definitions3) definite4) definitive—————Word building 31) democracy2) democratic3) democrat4) democratizing—————Word building 41) differ2) different3) indifferent4) differentiate—————Word building 51) distinct2) distinctive3) distinctively4) distinction—————Word building 61) intelligence2) intelligible3) intellectuals4) intelligent—————Word building 71) neglect2) neglected3) neglectful4) negligible—————Word building 81) advances","advancements2) advanced3) advancement4) advancing—————Word building 91) reverse2) reversible","irreversible3) reversed4) reversion—————Word building 101) tolerance2) tolerate3) intolerant4) tolerable—————Phrasal verbs 11) run out of","ran out of2) run up3) run out4) run over—————Phrasal verbs 21) see about2) see through3) saw to it that4) see off—————Collocation 11) ensure","guarantee2) enhance","ensure","guarantee","improve","maintain","promote3) threaten4) enhance","ensure","guarantee","improve","promote5) ensure","guarantee—————Collocation 21) adverse","damaging","harmful","negative","serious2) adverse","damaging","harmful","negative","serious3) beneficial","dramatic","major","positive","profound","significant","substantial4) beneficial","positive5) beneficial","dramatic","major","positive","profound","significant","substantial—————Commonly confused words 11) apt2) apt3) likely4) likely5) apt—————Commonly confused words 21) ashamed2) shameful3) ashamed4) shameful5) ashamed—————Commonly confused words 31) apprehend2) comprehend3) comprehend4) apprehend5) comprehend—————Cloze1) A2) C3) B4) D5) A6) B7) D8) A9) C10) B11) C12) B13) A14) C15) C16) B17) D18) A19) B20) C—————Sentence translation1. 这样会更容易对不同方案进行区分,可以帮助股东作出适当的选择。2. 人口素质较低的状况在短时期内难以根本改观,这与科学技术的迅猛发展不相适应。3. 基于民族、区域、种族背景产生的各种差异与意识形态多种多样相一致。4. 必须找到新的能源,这需要时间,而过去我们感到能源价廉而充足的情况将不大可能出现了。5. 他们对母语的重要性无法认同,对中华文化没有共鸣。6. 有任何已被证实的与父亲年龄相关联的疾病吗?7. 自然被你们的绳索和鞭子所束缚,屈服于你们的命令。8. 有些专家赞同这样的理论,即有些人特别容易迟到,而问题可能部分深植于大脑的深处。9. 出租车司机对后座的那位乘客越来越难以容忍。10. 离期末考试只剩两周了,大多数同学仍然不愿投入到学习中去。—————Phrase translation1. chooses work over retirement2. incompatible with reality3. differentiate students according to their family background4. you'll come through5. in part because of the postal strike6. obedient to his parents7. intolerant of any opinions different from his own8. what had taken place by then9. Now that you are a college student10. at a cost of no less than $ 1 billion—————Paragraph translation1) "Siheyuan (A quadrangle) is a combined residential architecture found in Northern China. Its history may date back to over 3,000 years ago in the Western Zhou Dynasty. There are many types of quadrangles throughout China, among which the Beijing quadrangle is the most typical representative of all. Its basic lay out is formed by four houses at four sides circling in to a square. There is usually only one gate leading to a hutong, so when the gate is closed, the quadrangle loses touch with the outside. Therefore family members can fully enjoy the happy and peaceful life. Along with hutongs, the Beijing quadrangle has become the logo of Beijing traditional architecture and a rich historical and cultural heritage of China.",—————Multiple choice Passage 11) B2) A3) C4) C5) D—————Multiple choice Passage 21) C2) A3) D4) B5) D—————Sentence blank filling 11. noise pollution2. work less well on windy days3. cheaper, quieter and more lasting4. adding rubber5. it can cut road noise in half—————Sentence blank filling 21. tells the true story of how its members lived2. waste3. a dump4. dumping rubbish in the sea5. his blaming a single man—————Skimming and scanning Passage 11) I2) F3) C4) O5) P6) A7) E8) L9) J10) N—————Skimming and scanning Passage 21) E2) H3) C4) A5) G6) B7) J8) D9) J10) F—————General writing1) "Some individuals contend that, compared to environmental protection, the top priority is supposed to be given to economic development. In their eyes, environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development. They are only by-products of economic development, which can be handled later when we have time and money.nnHowever, other individuals call for the precedence of environmental protection over economic development. According to them, present serious environmental problems will threaten the health of contemporary residents as well as our future generations. Besides, the problems caused by economic development will hinder the advance of the economy. We should not promote economic growth at the cost of our environment.nnAs far as I am concerned, environmental protection and economic development are dependent of each other and they can coexist in parallel and stay in harmony. Without a good environment, it will be hard to develop our economy quickly. With the rapid development of our economy, there would be enough funds to improve the environment. Economic growth and environmental protection should be given equal emphasis. A balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development of the society.",—————Practical writing1) "Dear international students,nnGood morning! Welcome to Tsinghua University!nnOn behalf of the Student Union of Tsinghua University, I feel greatly honored to extend warm welcome to all of you. We are delighted that you have chosen Tsinghua University for further study, and congratulate you on your opportunity of studying in the university. I bet you would have a pleasant and rewarding experience in the university.nnNow I would like to brief the university to you and leave the most wonderful for you to discover. Tsinghua University is well-known both at home and abroad. Here the teachers, including the professors, are helpful and informative; the students are genuinely warm, hospitable and industrious. Here you will be challenged by a superb faculty to enrich your professional knowledge and develop your analytical and critical abilities.nnI sincerely hope that your stay in Tsinghua will be a happy and memorable experience in your life.nnThank you for your attention.",unit 5—————Word building 11) variations2) Various3) variety4) variant5) varied—————Word building 21) confidential2) confidently3) confidentially4) confident—————Word building 31) inconsistent2) consistent3) consistency4) inconsistencies—————Word building 41) denotation2) denote3) denotative—————Word building 51) emigration2) emigrate3) emigrant—————Word building 61) nominators2) nominee3) nomination4) nominate—————Word building 71) process2) procession3) proceeding—————Word building 81) predictor2) prediction3) unpredictable4) predictable—————Word building 91) respectful2) respected3) respectfully4) respectable—————Word building 101) unified2) unification3) unity—————Phrasal verbs 11) set apart2) set down3) set back4) set about5) Set aside6) set against—————Phrasal verbs 21) sent up2) send away for","send for3) send in4) send out for5) send for6) send off—————Collocation 11) biggest2) accept","enjoy","face","meet","rise to3) formidable","serious4) accept","enjoy","face","rise to5) pose","present—————Collocation 21) leading2) major","crucial","dominant","important","leading","significant","vital","prominent3) minor4) dominant5) major","crucial","dominant","important","leading","significant","vital","prominent—————Commonly confused words 11) entertain2) amuses3) entertain4) entertain5) entertain","amuse—————Commonly confused words 21) custom","customs2) habit3) custom4) habit5) habit","custom—————Commonly confused words 31) historical2) historic3) historical4) historic5) historical—————Cloze1) B2) A3) D4) A5) C6) B7) D8) B9) D10) A11) D12) A13) D14) B15) B16) A17) C18) A19) C20) D—————Sentence translation1. 总的来说,在有一份全职工作的同时以自由职业为兼职,能使你在很小的风险下尝尝作为一名全职自由职业者的滋味。2. 使用短小简明的句子直奔主题,因为写电子邮件的目的是传达重要信息。3. 他认为自己不好看;事实上,正相反,他认为自己眼睛小,长相有点滑稽。4. 一个人可以功成名就,生活富足,但仅靠这些是绝对不能确保幸福的;世界历史上的许多风云人物,对家都有着深深眷恋。5. 外面的世界很危险,如果你让他们在网络世界中徘徊,他们需要对可能看到或遭遇的事情做好准备。6. 我们吃的食物喝的饮料、身体健康水平、血糖的稳定性、呼吸、体温、心率等因素都对我们怎样思考产生重大影响。7. 在预期寿命和享有教育权方面,全世界范围内超过90% 的两性差距已经消失,但女性在工作和政治方面的权利享有上仍落后于男性。8. 内心平静的精神疗法可以从一些非常简单的动作开始,你可以把它们融入日常生活中。9. 在任何情况下,语言教学都离不开情感,有了情感,语言才名副其实。10. 老师们鼓励学生对炫富持怀疑态度,不管炫耀的是豪宅、名车,还是名牌服装。—————Phrase translation1. as if / though she were sealed away by Tom2. If anything3. Let me get / come to the point4. they closed / sealed a deal5. Please single out a few people you know well6. Isolation can have an impact on mental stability7. take a practical and pragmatic approach to their work8. Had Kevin patiently taken the time to establish relationships9. if not handled appropriately and timely10. where you may head for the campus on Friday night—————Paragraph translation1) The Chinese people have their own culture when it comes to giving gifts to friends or relatives. Just as in most cultures, there are both things to do and things not to do. When a baby is born, a gift of jade or silver bracelet would be good. When it is an older child, some toys or stationery would be more appropriate. Older people usually appreciate something practical such as a walking stick or Chinese mushrooms. Surely, there are also some taboos to avoid in Chinese culture. For instance, umbrellas and clocks would not be welcome in most places in China because the Chinese pronunciation of "umbrella" and "clock" resembles "separation" and "termination" respectively. Of course nobody would like the idea of separation and death.—————Multiple choice Passage 11) D2) A3) D4) D5) B—————Multiple choice Passage 21) B2) D3) A4) A5) B—————Sentence blank filling 11. all communication was through conference calls and email2. the US uses low-context communication while high-context is the norm for Asian culture3. all the things that encompass your background and life experiences4. be loyal to the company5. think about the "Ming"'s filter and find a way to reduce miscommunication—————Sentence blank filling 21. Americans encourage individualism while Chinese prefer collectivism2. Americans' skill of guessing what others might be thinking is not well developed3. fundamentally different focus4. the cultural difference in interpersonal communications between members of collectivist and individualist cultures5. people's ability to understand others' perspectives is greatly influenced by cultures—————Skimming and scanning Passage 11) H2) K3) D4) E5) A6) I7) F8) D9) J10) C—————Skimming and scanning Passage 21) F2) B3) H4) K5) J6) L7) D8) M9) E10) I—————General writing1) Along with the development of modern technology, numerous traditional ways of living and ancient architectures are disappearing day by day. It seems that the traditional culture and craftsmanship will be replaced by modern ways sooner or later. Three reasons can account for this phenomenon. To start with, in an information explosion age, traditional ways of living and craftsmanship are always considered to be less efficient whereas modern technologies are more efficient and interesting. Secondly, we are greatly influenced by Western cultures, thus we don't have enough consciousness to protect the traditional culture in proper ways. Last but not least, the mass media sometimes mislead us for the sake of money. It can be reflected by the distorting of the real history on movies and TVs. Some people offer a long list of changes in our daily life, trying to confirm that the modern world is full of fashion and temptation so the traditional culture will surely fade away and will be lost eventually. However, the truth is that there may just be some changes in our lifestyles or our attitudes toward life, but little change occurs to some fundamental aspects of our traditional culture that people still treasure in heart. That's why I strongly believe the traditional culture will never be lost.—————Practical writing1) Dear teachers and schoolmates, Good evening! Let me start by saying that this is my last opportunity to speak to you today as the student of Peking University. Please allow me to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell. The good old days left a deep impression on us: our first lectures in September when we came to the beautiful campus with eagerness; our coffee breaks, when we gathered together and went to play snowballs; our friends with whom we tried hard to answer the eternal questions which gave us a better understanding of the sense of life; the surprise we all felt when we understood that we were no longer the youngest on campus, with the freshmen fussing around and asking for directions; our teachers who made us feel a tiny spark of interest glowing inside us and helped us to identify ourselves and what we'd like to do in the future. We are grateful to all the people and the happy time. Being part of this wonderful family is a great honor for everyone. At last, may you good luck and wish you all success on your life path.unit 6—————Word building 11) allegedly2) alleged3) alleged4) allegation—————Word building 21) colonize","colonise2) colonist3) colonial4) colony—————Word building 31) discrimination2) discriminate3) discriminable4) discriminatory—————Word building 41) displaceable2) displace3) displacement4) displaced—————Word building 51) literary2) literature3) illiterate4) literacy—————Word building 61) mediate2) mediator3) mediation—————Word building 71) Comparison2) comparative3) comparable4) comparatively—————Word building 81) rebel2) rebellion3) rebellious—————Word building 91) expansive2) expansion3) expandable4) expanse—————Word building 101) deduced2) deductive3) deduction—————Phrasal verbs 11) setting in2) set forth","set off","set out3) set forth4) set on5) set out6) set up—————Phrasal verbs 21) take back2) take charge3) take part in4) take over5) take up6) take advantage of7) taken aback—————Collocation 11) equal2) lost","missed3) seize","take4) offer","provide5) excellent","golden","great","ideal","perfect","rare","unique—————Collocation 21) deserve","need","require2) focus","concentrate3) pay4) close","careful","urgent","public5) close","careful—————Commonly confused words 11) appreciative2) appreciative3) appreciable4) appreciative5) appreciable—————Commonly confused words 21) replace2) displace3) displace4) replace5) displace—————Commonly confused words 31) arise2) rise3) arise4) arise5) rise—————Cloze1) B2) A3) D4) B5) D6) C7) A8) A9) B10) D11) B12) D13) A14) C15) B16) D17) B18) C19) A20) D—————Sentence translation1. 成功的真正标志,不是我们能够持久援助人们,使其勉强度日,而是我们合力增强能力,实现改天换地的变化。2. 关于银行的贷款决策,政府现在比以往任何时候都有话语权。3. 我国生产力的发展将农民从土地的束缚中解放出来。4. 我们俱乐部里有几个专业的喜剧演员,对他们从会议内容中提取幽默元素的能力,我总是感到很惊奇。5. 这些人乐意跑腿办事,遛狗,去超市购物,或者每月至少一次花一两个小时帮你照看孩子。6. 专家们说那些认为自己正在做的事是注定要做的人更能感受到直接的、长久的幸福。7. 你们务必在这星期内再筹款一百万美元,用来做更多的电视广告,否则我赢得选举的希望就一点儿都没有了。8. 我们不迎合大量小学生的需求,我们主要关注中学领域。9. 瞬间,康威要作出一个残酷的抉择,要么从飞机中弹出去,置周围村民于危险中,要么使飞机坠入海湾,牺牲自己。10. 在船起航之前,当局会来检查,保证船上所有的人都检过票,并且不是被迫离开这个国家的。—————Phrase translation1. forbid staff from smoking in the office building2. should we do anything against the will of the people3. When she ran for the presidency4. They look down on people's honesty and kindness5. cut investment and lay off workers6. race against time7. soon wore out their mother8. If I had not met them9. demanded of by a successful statesman10. we long for a sense of belonging—————Paragraph translation1) The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of fashion. The cheongsam is not too complicated to make, nor does it need too much material; it is easy to slip on and off, and comfortable to wear, and fits well the female Chinese figure. Its neck is high, collar closed, and its sleeves may be either long or short depending on the season and taste. The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides, all of which combine to set off the beauty of the female shape. Another beauty of the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and varying in length, it can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. No wonder so many Chinese and foreign women like it.—————Multiple choice Passage 11) C2) D3) C4) B5) B—————Multiple choice Passage 21) A2) C3) D4) B5) C—————Sentence blank filling 11. sexism is rife there2. their percentage in upper management and company boards3. the lack of public services to support families4. gender diversity is a strategic priority5. do more to harness female talent—————Sentence blank filling 21. a powerful sponsor2. lacking ambition and being held back by family responsibilities3. only 16 percent of the sample had sponsors4. the importance of sponsorship5. find / have a sponsor—————Skimming and scanning Passage 11) I2) H3) B4) J5) G6) E7) D8) K9) F10) C—————Skimming and scanning Passage 21) I2) G3) A4) J5) K6) C7) B8) F9) K10) E—————General writing1) There're millions of college students facing the problem of employment every year and having huge pressure of getting a satisfactory job. Among those who are busy hunting for a job, the female are often discriminated against just because of their gender. The gender discrimination in job-hunting, which seems to be increasingly fierce since World War II, is now a global phenomenon. There're a series of reasons for gender discrimination in job-hunting. First of all, from ancient times till now, men are regarded as superior to women, and this traditional idea is still deeply rooted in our society where women cannot get the same respect as men. Secondly, the female bear the responsibility of giving birth and usually have maternity leave, which will bring some inconvenience to the company. What's more, after giving birth, the female usually spend much time and energy to take care of the children so that they can't focus on work. In view of the above reasons, many companies are inclined to accept the male in the recruitment. In my opinion, the society shouldn't discriminate against the female; instead, they should be given equal rights. On the one hand, the eradication of sexual discrimination calls for legal policy and related regulations on enterprise recruitment that makes gender discrimination in employment punishable by law. On the other hand, the ideas of gender equality should be spread through various social activities. We hope to see such a day when everyone has an equal right in job-hunting and the female can achieve their goals in job.—————Practical writing1) Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! Today I am very glad to have the chance to run for President of the Student Union. I am He Chao, a senior student in the Power Department. Here, I'd like to share my experience with you. Since I came to the university, I have always been monitor of my class. I have done a very good job for my classmates, and in turn have received a good praise from both my classmates and teachers. I am good at communicating and organizing, and always ready to help others, which are fit for President of the Student Union. Moreover, I have a variety of hobbies such as playing basketball, football, table tennis, etc. I am sure that I am well qualified for this position. Looking into the future, if I am lucky enough to be President, I will try my best to serve my fellow students. I will try my best to make the Student Union more attractive by organizing different activities and meeting your various demands. I sincerely hope you will give me a chance, and please believe me that I will be a good President. Thank you!unit 7—————Word building 11) dense2) density3) densely—————Word building 21) industrial2) industrious3) industrialize","industrialise4) industrialization—————Word building 31) collaborate2) collaboration3) collaborator4) collaborative—————Word building 41) consultant2) consultancy","consulting3) consultation—————Word building 51) classify2) classification3) classified4) classifiable—————Word building 61) animate2) animated3) animating4) animation—————Word building 71) neutral2) neutralize","neutralise3) neutralist—————Word building 81) cohere2) coherent","cohesive3) coherence4) cohesion—————Word building 91) profit2) profitable3) Non-profit4) profitless—————Word building 101) donate2) donator3) donation4) donated—————Phrasal verbs 11) stand for2) stand a chance3) stand up4) stand by5) stand up for6) stand out—————Phrasal verbs 21) turn into2) turn back3) turn off4) turn away5) turn down6) turn in—————Collocation 11) moderate2) considerable","dramatic","enormous","huge","massive","significant","rapid","overall","annual3) considerable","dramatic","enormous","huge","massive","significant","rapid","overall4) overall5) moderate—————Collocation 21) achieve","ensure","guarantee2) lead to3) commercial4) academic","educational5) considerable","overwhelming","remarkable","unprecedented—————Commonly confused words 11) corporation2) cooperation3) corporation4) cooperation5) cooperation—————Commonly confused words 21) rewarded2) reward3) awarded4) reward5) award—————Cloze1) B2) C3) D4) A5) B6) B7) C8) D9) A10) A11) C12) B13) A14) B15) D16) C17) B18) A19) B20) C—————Sentence translation1. 假如由于某种原因,你不得不去做其他的事情,那么至少试着把这件没有完成的任务放在一边,并在事后处理好它。2. 新兴市场增长预计会远远快于工业国家,由此会为全球增长做出重大贡献。3. 在当今的世界上,大多数人认为吸烟是社交时不可以接受的行为,因此,社交问题也可以纳入不吸烟的一系列理由之中。4. 在未来的几十年里,中国仍将非常依赖煤炭,因为这是中国储量丰富的一种原材料。5. 我们的最高目标应该是通过创新降低清洁能源的成本,从而使其能够真正与矿物燃料相匹敌。6. 很少有人知道主要的温室气体二氧化碳其浓度的上升预计会影响许多基本粮食作物的营养价值。7. 从匿名网络资源上可以得到大量材料,这很可能造成信息混乱。8. 一场结构性改革似乎正在进行中,这场改革会影响到股东利益,并朝着有利于政府和工人的方向重新分配经济蛋糕。9. 声明指出,食品价格虽然已经从去年的高峰值下降了,但仍处于历史高位。10. 近期公布的零售销售、工业生产等数据均表明经济增长加强,进一步降低了再次衰退的风险。—————Phrase translation1. derive satisfaction from2. to convert solar energy into storable and transportable chemical fuels3. Fill up a car's fuel tank4. pose a risk to consumers5. has carried out economic construction on a large scale6. account for a larger share of their total expenditures7. are currently starved of it8. well below the minimum9. he has run out of good ideas10. will rescue you from financial difficulties—————Paragraph translation1) There has been a history of over 3,000 years for the Chinese people to grow and utilize tea trees. In the long historical course, tea has become part of the Chinese people's daily life. People first drink tea as a beverage, whose natural function is to refresh the brain, to aid digestion, etc. Another important function of tea lies in its spiritual side. When engaged in various kinds of tea business activities, people can gain self-confidence and self-reflection, and meanwhile they can communicate their feelings and coordinate interpersonal relationships. Tea itself has become a medium to transfer from form to content, from matter to spirit and from a direct relationship between humans and things to interpersonal relationships, and thus the Chinese tea culture gradually comes into being.—————Multiple choice Passage 11) D2) C3) A4) B5) B—————Multiple choice Passage 21) B2) B3) C4) D5) A—————Sentence blank filling 11. a serious boost2. natural gas export industry3. prices fluctuate all the time4. get wiped out5. not sustainable—————Sentence blank filling 21. an increase in demand2. global grain demand3. the increase / increasing of the yields of land under production4. will not have their full impact5. the spending power of consumers—————Skimming and scanning Passage 11) H2) K3) D4) M5) I6) B7) L8) J9) C10) E—————Skimming and scanning Passage 21) A2) D3) F4) E5) H6) J7) C8) K9) B10) I—————General writing1) Food security refers to people's access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that fulfills the dietary needs and food preferences of the people for living an active and healthy life. However, many people in the world are starving or suffering from malnutrition. Many others have no access to safe food. There are many factors contributing to the current world food insecurity. First, water shortage and serious drought resulting from climate changes have greatly reduced annual world grain production. Second, lots of arable land has been lost due to the rapid development of industry and urbanization. To make the situation worse, in many countries, negative government policies that make it unprofitable to grow crops have prevented farmers from toiling on their farmland. As far as college students are concerned, firstly, we should have an awareness of the severe current situation and inform the people around us of this situation. We should call on the whole society to protect the environment and the limited arable land, so as to improve the ecology. Secondly, we should live a thrifty life and save every valuable piece of grain. And for the moment, we can try to devote to developing agricultural technology and help solve the food insecurity in the future.—————Practical writing1) Dear Mr. Kelly, Greetings from California. I come to you with this letter to talk about the exhibition you are going to hold in August. I am writing to you to suggest a meeting on June 26 here in California. Please let me know whether it is all right with you. I suggest the following topics:1. Opening and closing dates and the site of the exhibition;2. Theme and size of the exhibition;3. Objects to be exhibited. If you have other suggestions please inform me with your reply. As soon as I receive your reply, I shall send you the official invitation as well as the timetable and program for the meeting. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,David Ericksonunit 8—————Word building 11) active2) activate3) activist4) inactive—————Word building 21) adhere2) adherent3) adherence","adhering—————Word building 31) defend2) defense3) defensive4) defendant—————Word building 41) enclose2) enclosed3) enclosure—————Word building 51) expect2) expectation3) expectancy4) unexpected—————Word building 61) infinite2) infinity3) infinitely4) infinitive—————Word building 71) terminate2) termination3) terminative4) terminator—————Word building 81) passionate2) passionless3) passion4) passionately—————Word building 91) depressed2) depressing3) depression4) depressive—————Word building 101) succeed2) success3) successor4) successful—————Phrasal verbs 11) take effect2) take to3) took to4) take in5) take into account","take into consideration6) take off—————Phrasal verbs 21) turn my back on2) turn on3) turn over a new leaf4) turn around5) turn out6) turn up7) turn to—————Collocation 11) considerably","dramatically","radically","significantly","vastly","markedly2) slightly3) steadily4) considerably","dramatically","significantly","vastly","markedly5) considerably","dramatically","radically","significantly","vastly","markedly—————Collocation 21) build","build up","develop","establish","maintain2) have","build","build up","develop","establish","maintain3) harmonious","healthy","intimate","close4) poor","fragile","troubled5) healthy—————Commonly confused words 11) crushed2) crash3) crashed4) Crush5) crush—————Commonly confused words 21) cautious2) conscious3) conscious4) cautious5) conscious—————Commonly confused words 31) loom2) emerge3) loom4) emerge5) emerge—————Cloze1) A2) C3) B4) B5) A6) C7) D8) A9) C10) B11) D12) C13) B14) A15) B16) C17) D18) A19) A20) A—————Sentence translation1. 在走廊墙上贴着告示,提醒大家警惕煤气中毒,注意电热毯和其他火灾隐患。2. 如果你对某事感受强烈,这恰恰是一个很好的信号,表明你需要时间思考再努力表达你的意见。3. 公众的愤怒已经使得一些广告商中止了与《世界新闻报》的合作,部分读者可能抵制这份报纸。4. 这将是一个非常重要的机会,可以针对那些喜欢观看高清电影但一直处于观望状态的消费者展开营销。5. 观望了一两年,看到执行改革政策的地区都好起来了,他们也效仿起来。6. 美国国家科学院报告说,在过去的 25 年中,美国人的预期寿命增加了,但是与日本、 澳大利亚等国相比,其增加速度较慢。7. 比如,目前 62% 的在职女性在拥有第一个孩子之后就辞去工作;工作场所对女性的歧视少些,会鼓励她们继续工作。8. 如果你曾经过商店时停下来买牛奶,而走出来的时候却买了完全不同的东西,像大屏幕电视机,那你一定了解诱惑的力量有多大。9. 有人将中国比作自行车王国,然而,在过去的国际自行车赛场上鲜有国人的身影。10. 多数人来到中国后,都对人头攒动的大都市没有街头犯罪感到惊奇,他们经常谈论中国是多么安全。—————Phrase translation1. In the face of the fierce competition from other companies2. in adherence to the Constitution3. takes it for granted4. swamped by / with work pressure5. Every time I find myself intrigued by some new product6. in the same way that we've seen in the Middle East7. turn up in the future8. Having studied in the university for three years9. we can make a big difference10. Greed and total absence of social responsibility—————Paragraph translation1) Lao Tzu is founder of Taoism and a great philosopher and thinker in ancient China, best known as the author of the Tao Te Ching (also referred to as Lao Tzu). The Tao Te Ching describes the Tao as the source of changes of all things. The Tao is the objective laws of nature, and implies the eternity of "standing alone, and undergoing no change, reaching everywhere and in no danger (of being exhausted)". Lao Tzu advocates the governance by wuwei (non-action); his doctrines have not only been very influential in the development of Chinese philosophy, but also been a treasure of historical and cultural heritage of the world. In 1980s, as a world classic which has been translated into foreign versions, the Tao Te Ching had a circulation only next to Holy Bible, according to UNESCO.—————Multiple choice Passage 11) B2) B3) C4) B5) A—————Multiple choice Passage 21) A2) C3) C4) B5) C—————Sentence blank filling 11. many accusations of cheating2. revocation of their diplomas3. one of the easiest at Harvard4. the material covered in the lecture5. allowed / taken for granted—————Sentence blank filling 21. a comfortable standard2. taper off3. a letdown4. What we do with money5. buy experiences / shift from buying stuff to experiences—————Skimming and scanning Passage 11) B2) C3) A4) E5) H6) I7) L8) I9) D10) J—————Skimming and scanning Passage 21) D2) B3) G4) C5) A6) F7) J8) I9) H10) E—————General writing1) What do you think is the meaning of life? Some of us may get the answer when we are old and some of us may never get it during our lifetime. Finding the meaning of life is very important, especially for young people. People may have different answers to this question. For many people, the answer is clear: Strive to have a stable career and a happy family, and live a life with material comfort. For others, the answer may be different. Their focus is primarily on fulfilling goals that they have a strong passion for or keen interest in. For example, Marie Curie, in order to find the radium, she devoted her whole life to the research. Though the radioactive element had shortened her life, she never gave up her mind to serve the world. Intended or not, they do engage themselves in a life that will make a difference in the world. What gives my life depth and purpose? In my mind, the meaning of life is to dedicate oneself to serving others. Helping others is a process of achieving our self-worth, and when we are old, taking a retrospective look at life, we'll feel greatly satisfied and never regret.—————Practical writing1) Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to you about the discussion we made about your children playing musical instruments late at night. I remember that you had promised me to find a better way to solve it and give me a satisfactory reply. To my surprise, the situation is still the same as before. Children continued to talk and play the music loudly, which made me feel annoyed and could not fall asleep. I had told you that I work very hard during the day, and due to the great pressure from work, I usually have trouble with sleeping. So a good sleeping environment is very important for me. Frankly speaking, I've had enough of this terrible noise and come close to breakdown. It's obvious that you did not take this seriously. I think you should realize your responsibilities as a member of the harmonious community, and I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation, I will be forced to take legal action and turn to my lawyer for help. Yours sincerely,Tom Brown












When class is over,we need a ten minutes' rest. It is not only good for our brain but also our eyes. It is very important and necessary to have a rest when class is over. Sometimes teachers want to talk more about the lessons, they make our rest time less

六、课后反思评语 英语?

This lesson was very thougtht provoking.

I could be totally into this lesson.

The teacher really taught me something that I could benefit.

The treacher started with deep content but finally I could easily understand the whole lesson.

Very impressive.







1.Could you tell me what ( ) (do) next .

解答:to do

2.I saw some students ()(play) basketball yeaterday .




She is ()()()girl that we all like her .

解答:such a kind


This () a pen .

解答: is


I am a student.After school .I always play soccer with my classmate .My favourite sports are soccer ball and basketball .I usually play piano at fifteen past seven .I like my school very much






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