

来源:www.wxhuiming.com  时间:2022-09-22 02:16   点击:61  编辑:admin   手机版

难忘齐小,难儿留下的绚烂的足迹,难忘在这儿留下的七彩的笑声…… ——题记难忘齐小,难忘老师一句句关心的话语,难忘同学一张张天真的笑脸,难忘校园一幕幕动人的场景,难忘大家一颗颗热情的心。时光匆匆,似乎就在白驹过隙,弹指一瞬之间,我们就从刚入校时那稚嫩天真的小不点儿变成了已是五年级的大哥哥大姐姐了,我十分怀念在这儿的点点滴滴。难忘齐小,难忘老师的谆谆教导。有一次,我不小心撞了一个大包,疼得哭了起来。老师连忙帮我做了简单的消毒处理。然后,老师就骑着自行车,准备送我去医院。而这时正是骄阳似火的时候,况且老师刚刚生过病,体质还很虚弱。我劝老师别送了,老师直坚持送。就这样,我坐在老师的车上,荡荡悠悠地。忘不了,坐在老师车上荡荡悠悠的感觉。难忘齐小,难忘同学的欢声笑语。那是一个冬天,窗外下起了雪,纷纷扬扬的雪花满天飞舞。不一会儿,校园就成了银色世界。

有山东春季高考英语作文范文呀 求帮忙 谢谢

Among all the instructive proverbs that give people advice, the one I like most is “Where there is a will, there is a way”. This short, beautiful sentence tells us an incontrovertible truth: if you have a dream and stick to it, you will realize it sooner or later. For me, the saying has a special meaning. When I was in Junior Middle School, I was so poor in my studies that I nearly gave up. But my head-teacher was always there and gave me confidence every time I lose heart. He used to say, “a little more effort and you will make it.” Thanks to my dearest teacher, all my efforts paid off and finally I became a top student. “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart”, as long as you have a dream, keep trying and you?ll make it, too.
